Migliore & Associates Blog
Are your deposition transcripts falling short of the promise of being true and accurate? Start by looking at the certificate page.
I’ve received multiple complaints about the quality of transcripts lately. (No, not those produced by my firm.) In each and every instance, it’s the same local company, and it’s always a digital reporter who appeared as the officer before whom the...
NCRA STRONG: Beware of buzzwords!
Authored by Liz Harvey Our profession is under attack. It seems like a new transcription company pops up every day pretending to be a technology company, promising something new and exciting. Even though they offer an inferior product, they have effective marketing...
Would you let Siri be your court reporter?
Automated Speech Recognition: Important distinctions to be made between voice writing and digital reporting
As published in the National Court Reporters Association's Journal of Court Reporting, July 2021 Advances in technology are wonderful, but embracing technology before it is road-tested, perfected, and proven effective can come with dangers and ethical questions...
When statutes and court rules are silenced by stipulation
Busy litigators know that a successful deposition takes preparation and research. But they’ve never had to worry about the qualifications of the deposition officer. Now that may be changing. There is a risky trend infiltrating the stenographic court reporting industry...
Buyer Beware
If opposing counsel has to call an out-of-state court reporting service, should that mean you have to pay higher prices?Decision-makers who procure the services of court reporting firms through preferred vendor lists or long-term contracts with national court...
The Importance of Hiring a Stenographic Court Reporter
The Importance of Hiring A Qualified Stenographic Court Reporter: Stenographers undergo specialized training and complete courses in court and deposition procedures, English, legal, and medical terminology. Stenographers make a live record of the proceeding from...
You Cannot Afford a Take 2
Digital recorders can’t play the part of a stenographic reporter. The many failures of digital recording systems in our nation’s courtrooms are getting top billing in the headlines, and digital reporters are also making walk-on appearances at depositions. Inaudible...
Lobbying on Capitol Hill
Kentucky Court Reporters Association's representative Lisa Migliore Black attends the National Court Reporters Association 2019 Legislative Boot Camp to lobby for the inclusion of court reporting schools in the Higher Education Act. This is Lisa's second trip to...
2008 NCRA Legislative Boot Camp
(Originally published 2008)Let me start by thanking all of our membership for allowing me to attend the 2008 NCRA Legislative Boot Camp. For the uninitiated, the Legislative Boot Camp is an intensive two-day seminar held in Washington, D.C., designed to train court...