Lights, Camera, Action!

Migliore and Associates would like to welcome our newest videographer and office assistant, Ashleigh Skaggs. Our business cannot run without someone scheduling, billing, processing transcripts, and so much more.  Behind the camera, she will be recording and...

The benefits of pro bono work

The call from the out-of-state attorney seemed much like any other. “We’ll need a court reporter and videographer to cover a deposition. Are you available?” But this call turned unusual. After obtaining the scheduling information, the next question was, “Do you do pro...

NCRA STRONG: Beware of buzzwords!

Authored by Liz Harvey Our profession is under attack. It seems like a new transcription company pops up every day pretending to be a technology company, promising something new and exciting. Even though they offer an inferior product, they have effective marketing...

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