Save Our Court Records is a volunteer organization created to educate on topics impacting the court reporting industry for the benefit of those who utilize court reporting services.

“I found that the problems that I faced in my marketplace were shared by many of my colleagues nationally. The vast majority of reporters are ethical and provide great service, but far too often, those who circumvent the laws and ethics that provide for fair and impartial treatment in our court systems are able to garner an advantage in the marketplace to the detriment of the consumer,” says Lisa Migliore Black, founder of Save Our Court Records.

The individual reporter and small agency can’t effectively educate consumers on a national scale singularly, but collectively, reporters can use the advantage of their client contact to arm attorneys and litigants with the knowledge they need to make the right decision when choosing reporting services. Save Our Court Records puts FREE personalized marketing tools in the hands of reporters who uphold the highest degree of professionalism.

For more information about free membership and participation, contact
Thanks to all of the Save Our Court Record volunteers!

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