by Lisa Migliore Black
The National Court Reporters Association Convention & Expo will be held July 30 through August 2, 2015 in Midtown New York. Lisa Migliore Black, CCR-KY, and David Black, Esq., will educate attendees on the basics of intellectual property and how to protect their...
by Lisa Migliore Black
Aye, matey, ’tis fitting that International Talk Like a Pirate Day and this Order by the Court fell on this 19th day of September, 2013. The cyberpirate’s motion to dismiss DENIED. Lisa Migliore Black, Migliore & Associates,...
by Lisa Migliore Black
Cybersquatting: Don’t be a victim or a perpetrator (Published in the NCRA Journal of Court Reporting) Looking for me on the Internet? Previously, you wouldn’t have found me by typing in the Internet address “” Prior to legal notice, instead you...